The Beauty of Setting Boundaries
Each of us has gifts that we desire to bring to the world. What stops us tends to be our emotions -- the scary ones -- like fear, anger, judgement and shame. Amber Rae, speaker, artist and author of Choose Wonder Over Worry, comes on the podcast about how to create boundaries both with other people and with the scary emotions that visit us.
Amber’s IG post about Boundaries
Choose Wonder Over Worry Book
7:36 Amber quotes Steve Jobs “You can’t connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking back”.
14:42 - “Don’t die with your gift still inside” -Amber
16:09 “Always stay true to who you are no matter what other people want or think of you”- Amber’s Dad
25:01:850 “I’m going to burn that sh!t down and rise through those damn ashes!” 🔥🔥🔥-Amber
Time Stamps:
5:14 - Kristy gives ways to follow Amber Rae’s work
7:20 - Amber talks about connecting the dots; melding her passions
12:28 - Amber talks about beginning to wonder about the human condition and why we do the things we do
18:35 Amber talks about facing & learning lessons from her internal darkness
22:04 Amber talks about discernment and boundaries
24:48 Amber talks about becoming aware of the false story she created in her mind & burning that sh!t down
26:00 Amber talks about the process of unraveling the false stories with true positive ones
30:12.300 Amber talks about the importance of boundaries and how to set them
37:53.500 what’s next for Amber
43:10 Amber talks about looking inward at our own wounds and creating from that place