The Joy and the Pain Can Exist Together

When experiencing pain, sometimes I wondered if it meant that I was wrong. Maybe I was being weak, ungrateful, or just not present enough. But what I've come to learn that this isn't necessarily true. We've all heard the saying that we experience joy because its counterpoint, pain, exists, but many of us haven't acknowledged the beauty of them existing together.

This weekend, I officiated the wedding of two of my best friends. Before the ceremony, I was keenly aware that a few attendees had recently been heartbroken to due loss and separation, so before we began, I had everyone take a few moments to get grounded. Everyone closed their eyes and took notice of any emotions that arose when they focused on their heart. I reminded them that no matter what they were feeling, pain or joy, or maybe both together, it was perfect because it's all part of the full expression of love. I wanted them to know that they shouldn't feel guilty for not only feeling the "positivity" or whatever. Love encompasses both pain and joy. The point is to allow for both, so that pain doesn't swallow you, and close you off to love in the future.



Speaking of pain and joy together, I recently shared the short film I made about my husband and my journey through five years of infertility to finally getting pregnant!

In case you missed it, the Risk Everyday Podcastis back!

With love,
Kristy Arnett Moreno

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